Gay dating in Thunder Bay
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Some say living in Thunder Bay is a struggle regarding personal finances and employment. Despite being the largest in Northwest Ontario, this city is still battling the downfall it experienced in the second half of the 20th century. Now, it tries to attract specialists and startups working in knowledge-based industries.
The local LGBT community is obscure mostly due to a very welcoming population comprised of people who don’t care about your sexuality. If you identify as gay in Thunder Bay, Ontario, you won’t feel oppressed or hated.
The intersection of Bay and Algoma is an interesting LGBT-friendly hub with businesses that openly support the cause. You won’t find any dedicated brick & mortar locations, but meeting openly queer/gay people is possible in any store, bar, or restaurant. It feels that gay dating in Thunder Bay is easy.
However, less than 110 thousand people is a small population for a thriving dating scene. Make sure to expand your horizons with our help. Browse through thousands of gay personals from this region and find the man of your dreams!