Dundee, United Kingdom
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Looking for : a man 30 - 71 years old in United Kingdom
Dating purpose: love, meet up

Profile verification

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About myself

Hi new to this I'm 55yrs old looking for my first hookup with another man would like to explore my kinky side if possible I want to be submissive bottom please get in touch I can travel a reasonable distance I stay on east of Scotland I can not accommodate

Dating in other languages

Languages: English
Looking for dating in other languages: English

Personal information

Children: none
Ethnic type: caucasian
Country of birth: United Kingdom
Education: secondary
Specialization: engineering
Income: average


Smoking: no
Alcohol attitude: sometimes
Favourite alcoholic beverage: red wine
Type of food: standard

Character and hobbies

Favourite music: pop, rock, hard rock, metal
Interests: politics and news, tv / video, animals, cooking, sports
Personal qualities: quiet, sociable, easy-going, sensitive, prone to compromises, hardworking, romantic, inquisitive

Additional information

Vaccination against COVID-19: vaccinated
Pet: dog
Personal transport: car

wants to date

Scott from Dundee, United Kingdom wants to date a man  30 - 71 years old  in United Kingdom.
If you would like to chat with him , and thousands of our users, please either sign in (if you already have an account) or register.

Also commonly looking for:

user number: 14370177